The images that circulate along with news stories about conflict or “blood” diamonds are troubling, to be sure. And as a discerning jewelry customer, you may be wondering what you can do to stop the abuses that come with conflict diamonds while still enjoying the natural beauty of the gemstones you appreciate. Gem Classics’ conflict free promise guarantees customers that all diamonds we sell are conflict free.
The Kimberly Process
It’s the Kimberly Process (KP) that makes conflict free diamond guarantees possible. Since 2003, a coalition of governments, non-governmental organizations, and members of the diamond industry have agreed to specific controls on diamond exports and imports. It’s also backed in the U.S. by the Clean Diamond Trade Act, signed into law as an Executive Order by then-President George W. Bush in 2003. These controls are meant to shut out conflict diamonds and provide a paper trail documenting the origin of “clean” diamonds. They include shipping diamonds in tamper-resistant packaging and including a KP certificate for each stone. In addition, diamonds can only move to and from countries that are signatories to the Kimberly Process. And finally, U.S. diamond importers are subject to strict paperwork and audit regulations that include filings with Customs and Border Patrol.
What this Means for Your Conflict Free Engagement Ring
Today, you can shop confidently because 99% of diamonds in the marketplace are conflict free. In addition, as an added measure of security and integrity, Gem Classics sells only conflict free diamonds that meet the standards of the Kimberly Process. These natural, conflict free guaranteed diamonds do more than just avoid sustaining abusive diamond mining practices; they also help improve working conditions for miners and their families, as well as the surrounding communities.
Gem Classics is committed to supporting ethical diamond mining. That’s why we follow the rules and regulations set forth through the Kimberly Process and the Clean Diamond Trade Act. The system works well, having significantly reduced the number of conflict diamonds on the market over the past 15+ years, and providing consumers like you with the assurance you really are investing in conflict free diamonds that benefit the workers who mined them and their communities. Contact us to learn more about our conflict free guaranteed diamonds.
List of Government Resources:
Executive Order Implementing the Clean Diamond Trade Act
H.R.1584 – Clean Diamond Trade Act
Kimberly Process